Contact us and further information

If you have any questions about the ALIGNED Study or would like further information, please reach out to us at

Contact us

Contact Us

If your life is in danger, please call 000.

Resources and support

Resources for crisis support can be found at the following websites:

Australia’s most well-known and visited mental health organisation, focused on supporting people affected by anxiety, depression and suicide.
The only medical research institute in Australia to investigate mental health across the lifespan & aims to create a mentally healthier world for everyone.
A national charity providing all Australians experiencing emotional distress with access to 24hr crisis support and suicide prevention services.
Discover step-by-step strategies for managing stress, anxiety and low mood.

For 35 years, PANDA has been supporting individuals and families to recover from anxiety and depression.

See below for links to other research studies in the areas of genetics and mental health:

Genetics Linked to AntiDepressants (GLAD Study)

for people with treatment resistant depression (i.e.: at least 2 prior courses of standard antidepressant therapy failing to lead to response or remission); University of Western Australia

Towards ImplEmeNtation of PhArmacogenomiCs-guided therapy in Patients with MenTal Illness (The ENACT Study)

for people with major depressive disorder with or without an anxiety disorder; St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney

Personal Information Collection Notice

AustraLIan trial of GeNotype-guided pharmacothErapy for Depression (ALIGNED) Study

By completing the following questionnaire and any Expression of Interest form, you will be asked to provide personal information (including your name, contact details and health information) to The George Institute for Global Health (we, us, our).  

You have a choice whether you provide your personal information to us. If you choose not to provide your personal information you may still complete the questionnaire but you will not be contactable and therefore not be able to participate in the ALIGNED Study. 

If you choose to provide your personal information it will be collected and used by us for the purposes of registering your interest to take part in the ALIGNED Study and also to contact you directly to discuss your possible participation in the ALIGNED Study. 

If you do not participate in the ALIGNED Study, any personal information collected from you will not be included as part of the Study and will handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy and the law. 

If you participate in the ALIGNED Study you may be asked to provide additional personal information. As a participant, the information you provide at each stage of the ALIGNED Study will be collected and used by us for the purposes of medical research and analysis pursuant to the ALIGNED Study Participant Information Sheet you will receive. 

We may disclose your personal information that we collect to our staff, related parties, and approved third-parties (e.g. agents, service providers, collaborators and research partners) but only to such persons who need to know and only for the disclosed purpose. 

We are committed to protecting your privacy and ensuring your personal information is handled in accordance with applicable privacy laws. Our Privacy Policy (available at or here) sets out how you may access and seek correction of personal information that we hold, as well as the steps you can take should you wish to make a complaint about the handling of your personal information. Additional information can be found in our Data Sharing Policy (available at or here) and our Research Code of Conduct Policy (available at or here). 

Contact us:
The George Institute for Global Health 
Address: Level 5, 1 King Street, Newtown, NSW 2042 Australia; or